Hi! My name is Anders Konring. I’m a PhD student in the CISAT department at IT University Copenhagen. My advisor, Bernardo David, is leading our research group where we study
, construct
and analyse
cryptographic protocols - in particular:
- Blockchain protocols
- Consensus algorithms
- Secure multiparty computation
- Zero knowledge protocols
I obtained my MS in Computer Science at Aarhus University which included 6 months at ETH Zürich
focusing on protocols, systems and network security. I wrote my thesis in collaboration with the company Chainalysis advised by former CTO Jan Møller and Professor Claudio Orlandi from Aarhus University.
Visit my blog to find out what I’ve been working on recently as well as other updates.
25/11/2023: PhD Thesis Defense (thesis/presentation)
06/01/2023: Accepted paper at CRYPTO’23: Perfect MPC over Layered Graphs.
12/05/2022: Presentation at ASIACRYPT’22: Encryption to the Future.
02/04/2022: Research scholarship at Technion by Otto Mønsted Foundation.
09/01/2020: PhD at IT University Copenhagen.
05/05/2018: Senior Software Engineer at Chainalysis.
I love spending time in nature - preferably on foot, skis or on a bike climbing mountains🧗.
During my competitive years I participated in orienteering🧭, cross country and track running
events around the world. The last couple of years I have participated in several longer skyrunning and trail events.
Recently, I revived my hobby of playing acoustic guitar.